Hedgehogs: A Talk by Christine Legg from Prickly Prickles Hedgehog Rescue
This month the Dorchester and District Gardening Club welcomes Christine Legg, who will talk all about Hedgehogs. Christine runs the ‘Prickly Prickles Hedgehog Rescue’ centre caring for sick and injured hedgehogs from her home in Dorchester. She is kept very busy with these beautiful, gentle creatures and has a lot of tips and advice to share to help you care for your garden visitors. For more information check out her Facebook page (linked below) and come along to the meeting to learn more about her work with hedgehogs.
The Club meets at our new venue, the United Church Hall, 49/51 Charles Street, Dorchester DT1 1EE. Doors open at 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start, free entry for members, visitors £4 on the door. There is also a bring and buy stall and a draw, with tea/coffee and biscuits available afterwards. All welcome.
Contact: Jane, Secretary 01305 268523 or email dorchestergardening@gmail.com.