Music at St Peter's Dorchester
Welcome to St Peter’s Church, Dorchester. This beautiful building largely dates from the mid fifteenth century, but was significantly restored in 1856-7 by J Hicks, and his pupil Thomas Hardy, the novelist.
St Peter’s has a long musical history, witnessing the change from what is now known as ‘west gallery music’ to the continuing tradition of robed choir accompanied by organ. Music still thrives here today, and Music at St Peter’s proudly champions the Anglican Choral Tradition through community music-making within the liturgy. We offer a Choral Eucharist (typically on the second Sunday of every month) and Choral Evensong on the fourth Saturday of every month. We maintain a high standard of music-making, and the format of services and breadth of musical repertoire reflects what you might expect to encounter in a typical UK cathedral setting. Additional choral services and events take place on significant feast days throughout the church year.
This service of Choral Eucharist includes music by Victoria, Cornelius and Berlioz. All are welcome to this free event and refreshments are available afterwards.