If you fancy doing a less strenuous walk and skirt around the edge of Maiden Castle, then this is the walk for you.
Start your walk in Martinstown and then follow the footpath across farmland in a circle back towards Maiden Castle.
Look out for Round Barrows – The South Dorset Ridgeway is one of the most important sites in the country for these circular mounds, surrounded by a ditch or two and often accompanied by a bank. Built around 4,000 years ago for burials of cremated remains, there are different types.
Clandon Barrow – A large bowl barrow. An excavation in 1882 found a patterned gold lozenge.
Among the largest and most complex of Iron Age hillforts in Europe, Maiden Castle’s huge multiple ramparts enclose an area equivalent to 50 football pitches, protecting several hundred residents.